Month: August 2022

Purslane: My Unexpected New Favorite Plant

Have you ever heard of purslane? I didn’t know anything about it until this spring, but now I can’t get enough of it. I first came across it while weeding in our veggie garden. Every once in a while I’d see a tiny plant that looked like a succulent. I had a feeling it wasn’t Read More

Welcome to the Homestead, Little Chickies

The first flock of chickens we raised here at Iveyshire made quite a dramatic exit. Something was getting into the coop, and some of the hens turned into cannibals. It was a messy and gruesome ordeal, and we went from 24 birds to 0 real quick. But we aren’t quitters, so this past week we Read More

Figuring Out Gardening on the Cumberland Plateau

Many, many hours of this summer have been devoted to gardening. Living on the Cumberland Plateau means dealing with wild summer thunderstorms, and temperatures that differ from the surrounding areas of Tennessee. It’s been interesting to see what grows well here, what does okay, and what was a total bust. Here’s an update on how Read More